Single-sided hearing loss (SSHL) is more common than we actually know. This is because many thousands of people who experience it often do not seek help or tell anyone. However, if left untreated, it can cause your “good ear” to be overworked, which causes a host of...
What Are OTCs And Why Are They Controversial?
As of August 16, the FDA gave the final ruling on over-the-counter hearing aids. OTC refers to hearing aids that can be bought online and in stores. This ruling allows over-the-counter hearing aids to be distributed directly from stores or online retailers without any...
The Jabra Enhance Plus Is Now Available – Here’s What Dr. Bauman Thinks
Last August, Jabra announced their intention to bring a new kind of hearing device to the market, calling it the Jabra Enhance Plus and describing it as “miniaturized 3-in-1 earbuds for hearing enhancement, music and calls.” This product has now been released. Jabra...
My Opinion Of The Bose SoundControl Hearing Aid | From The Desk Of Dr. Natan Bauman
If you have ever asked yourself, “Why do I need help with my hearing?” and your loved ones tell you that it is simply to hear better, then your solution may be over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids. Ever since President Biden gave his executive order to allow...
How Artificial Intelligence Is Impacting Hearing Healthcare – Webinar
Artificial intelligence is a word that has quickly been coined into our vocabulary over the past couple years, with many markets such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Google taking advantage. It is a way of using machines, as opposed to natural intelligence by humans,...
Is It True The New Jabra Enhance Plus Lifestyle Device Is About To Change The Stigma Around Hearing Loss?
A few comments from the AVI desk of Dr. Natan Bauman. Hearing should be considered as the most important sense for our survival or at least should be considered one of the most important senses. Better hearing goes beyond just improving what we hear by improving our...