If you have recently made the life-changing decision to treat your hearing loss with hearing aids – we applaud you.
Research suggests it takes the average person over ten years to seek treatment for their hearing loss, and within this time, millions of people go through life experiencing an array of adverse side effects.
Hearing aids improve your quality of life – and not only through your ability to hear!
Research has shown a clear association between untreated hearing loss and an increased risk of dementia, depression, falls, and even cardiovascular diseases.
Since inventing the Receiver-In-Canal hearing aid, I comprehend the true impact hearing aids can have on a person’s life – and today’s advanced hearing technology can do so much more than just help you hear better.
However, when you are first fit with hearing aids, it’s crucial to understand that there will be an adjustment period while your brain adapts to the new sounds it hasn’t been receiving – which, understandably, can have a few side effects.
Here’s what you can expect.
#1 – Whistling Feedback
Learning how to insert your hearing aids properly is usually the first challenge, so be patient during this process.
If you don’t insert your hearing aids correctly, then feedback can occur. Feedback happens when sound from the ear canal escapes and is received by the hearing aid’s microphone, which is then amplified back into your ear.
Most commonly, feedback sounds like a whistling noise and often isn’t pleasantly received!
Feedback should never occur if your hearing aids are correctly inserted, so please speak to your audiologist if you require support fitting your devices.
#2 – “WOW, That’s Loud!”
Has your voice always sounded like that? Indeed, your voice often sounds different when you first wear hearing aids. It can seem a lot louder, but don’t worry – it’s not as loud as you think!
And how about that clock ticking away in the background? Many household sounds will seem more prominent than before (if not – completely new sounds to you!). But rest assured, your brain will soon get used to hearing them.
In certain situations, patients report fatigue and headaches as a result of their new hearing aids.
Although uncommon, this can happen and is usually fixed with a few adjustments. Please get in touch with your audiologist if you believe your hearing aids need adjusting.
#3 – Mild Itchiness And Discomfort
Like any new accessory – new hearing aids can feel a bit odd since you’re not used to anything being in your ears. Just like when you wear new glasses, hearing aids can feel a little out of place, resulting in mild itchiness.
This is usually nothing to be concerned about, and the itchiness generally subsides after a week of wear.
If you are experiencing any discomfort or pain that is more than mild, you must contact your audiologist immediately since this should not be occurring.
We’re Here To Support You Through Your Hearing Journey
I hope this information has been helpful to you during this adjustment period – this is just the beginning of an incredible life!
If you or a loved one is experiencing challenges with their new hearing aids and would like to speak to an expert, our team at AVI New England would love to help.
With an office in Norwalk and Hamden, we are Connecticut’s leading hearing healthcare professionals.
To schedule an appointment, please get in touch with us by clicking here.