One of the most important things you need to know about AVI New England is our commitment to fitting the hearing aid to the person rather than fitting the person to the hearing aid.

The Best Hearing Aids for 2025 | Doctor Bauman Answers

by | Jan 23, 2025 | Hearing Aids

One of the great things that I have come to enjoy most about hearing aids as I have worked with thousands of patients throughout the northeast is the way they help people reconnect with the world around them and the people they love. 

One of the reasons I invented the RIC-style hearing aid was to provide an alternative type of instrument for treating permanent hearing loss. The style has become one of the most popular in the world, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right fit for everyone. 

Your hearing needs, lifestyle, and personal preferences vary from those of others, making it more beneficial to have access to a broad range of hearing aids from different manufacturers.  

By working toward solutions that fit your needs, AVI New England makes it possible for you to find the best hearing aid for you. That hasn’t changed as we move forward in 2025. 

Hearing Aid Manufacturers Available at AVI New England in 2025 

We are here to help you choose the style and technology that best fit your needs by offering a selection of hearing aid manufacturers with all of their variations. This includes manufacturers like: 

What is the best hearing aid in 2025? 

The one that makes it possible for you to meet your hearing health goals. To do that, it is important to take several factors into consideration, including:  

  • The amount of processing power needed to address your unique type and severity of hearing loss 
  • The cosmetic style that meets your approval 
  • Your level of manual dexterity 
  • A comfortable and secure fit that goes well with your level of activity 
  • Interference issues with headwear, glasses, oxygen cannula, etc. 
  • Your level of technical awareness 

Hearing Aids Are Tools 

One of the most important things you need to know about AVI New England is our commitment to fitting the hearing aid to the person rather than fitting the person to the hearing aid. 

What does that mean? 

Think about all the tools a mechanic has in his toolbox when he is fixing a machine. He doesn’t reach for just one tool to do everything, but has several different tools designed to accomplish different tasks. 

Since you’re an individual with unique needs, preferences, and objectives, focusing on you allows us to form a partnership that provides the best possible outcomes to overcome your hearing challenges. 

Though making sure we address your hearing deficiency is critical, we want you to be comfortable with the tools that are in your ears, and we do that by getting to know your lifestyle, the activities you engage in, and the amount of wearing discretion you’re comfortable with. 

Prioritize Your Hearing Health Journey 

Hearing aids are the beginning of your hearing health journey rather than the end. That’s why it is important to us to form a hearing care partnership approach that makes meeting your better hearing goals a top priority. 

We make a broad range of services available in order to provide the ongoing support that will keep you on the path to your goals.  

Our support services include: 

Why the Right Care Matters 

Putting the right hearing aids in your ears is only one part of what we do. Being able to meet your hearing health goals is about how we help keep you on track rather than the hearing instrument, regardless of how technologically advanced it might be. 

We invest our time and expertise into providing you with an accurate diagnosis of your hearing challenges, choosing the right solution to address them, ensuring they are programmed to meet your needs, and making certain you get the most out of them. 


Because successful treatment outcomes not only help you hear better but allow you to continue to enjoy a richer, more active and independent lifestyle doing what you love with the people you love. 

Begin your hearing health journey today by contacting AVI New England online, or give us a call at (475) 227-0842. 

Begin your hearing health journey

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Dr. Natan Bauman

For more than 40 years, I have had the honor and opportunity of helping thousands of local, national, and international people to achieve a better life through better hearing. As an audiologist and electronic engineer, I have changed the course of the hearing aid industry by inventing the Receiver-In-The-Canal, the most widely used hearing aid in the world. Additionally, I established a tinnitus and sound over-sensitivity clinic and developed a special treatment program which I have been teaching to other practitioners nationally and internationally. Our practice follows the key principles that have defined my career: an adherence to best practices, use of the latest technologies, and personalized care in which the patient is treated as family.

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