We help people with Tinnitus

What Is Tinnitus, And Why Does It Happen? | New England Hearing Care Expert Shares Professional Opinion

by | Nov 12, 2021 | Patient Resources, Tinnitus

Tinnitus is the term used for hearing a sound (although, we actually hear with our brain) in the absence of a real sound in the environment.

The sounds heard can vary a lot, from just a pure sound to a more complicated sound. Tinnitus could sound like crickets, or be as complicated as hearing music.

About 15% to 17% of the general population experience tinnitus.

The Causes Of Tinnitus

Tinnitus could be caused by noise exposure, certain medications, head-related traumas, stress or other ear-related problems. We have recently seen a significant outbreak of tinnitus related to the COVID–19 vaccinations.

Make An Appointment With Us To Diagnose And Treat Your Tinnitus

There’s no correlation between hearing loss and tinnitus. However, people who have tinnitus are more likely to have some form of a hearing change.

In the United States, more than 50 million people have tinnitus.

  • 30 to 35 million of those have a non-bothersome tinnitus. They know it’s there, but they don’t pay attention to it, and it doesn’t affect their lifestyle.
  • 10 to 15 million people have a bothersome tinnitus significant enough that they look for help related to it.
  • 1 to 2 million people experience disabling tinnitus.

Here at AVI, we specialize in helping people who have all the different forms of life-disruptive tinnitus.

To find the cause of your tinnitus before presenting you with some treatment options, we’ll need to do a hearing evaluation.

To schedule your hearing test with us or to find out more about tinnitus treatment options, you can contact us by filling out our online form or call us at (475) 227-0842.

We look forward to helping relieve your symptoms of tinnitus.

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Dr. Natan Bauman

For more than 40 years, I have had the honor and opportunity of helping thousands of local, national, and international people to achieve a better life through better hearing. As an audiologist and electronic engineer, I have changed the course of the hearing aid industry by inventing the Receiver-In-The-Canal, the most widely used hearing aid in the world. Additionally, I established a tinnitus and sound over-sensitivity clinic and developed a special treatment program which I have been teaching to other practitioners nationally and internationally. Our practice follows the key principles that have defined my career: an adherence to best practices, use of the latest technologies, and personalized care in which the patient is treated as family.

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