Tinnitus Evaluations & Treatment


Tinnitus Treatment from The Expert Experts Turn to for Help

If you experience tinnitus (ringing, humming, or buzzing in your ears), then you already understand the detrimental impact it has on the quality of your life. Regardless of the activity in which you are engaged, or if you just want to relax, you can never escape the agonizing and overwhelming presence of tinnitus.

Early in his 40-plus-year career, Dr. Bauman established a tinnitus and sound over-sensitivity clinic, developing proprietary treatment therapies that he teaches to both national and international practitioners. Because of his expertise and extensive experience, he is the expert the experts turn to for advice and support regarding tinnitus.

Red mark over ear indicating pain

What Causes Tinnitus?

The specific cause of tinnitus has not yet been identified. However, the Central Gain Theory is the prevailing theory surrounding why individuals with a hearing loss experience tinnitus and tinnitus-related symptoms.

Proponents of this theory argue that tinnitus occurs when your brain creates sounds that are no longer received through the normal hearing process. Basically, tinnitus is similar to “phantom limb” experienced by amputees—it is an adaptive, neurological response by your brain to replace missing brain sound.

Statistics show that 75 percent of people with some level of hearing loss also complain of symptoms that include a ringing, buzzing, hissing, or humming sound in their ears. Although it does not cause hearing loss, tinnitus can be a major indicator of mild to severe hearing loss.

In its initial stages, tinnitus often goes unnoticed or may come and go, but as the sounds intensify, loss of sleep, increased stress, and decreased productivity are common consequences. Greater awareness of the condition typically follows, which increases the level of stress, which in turn increases the intensity of the condition, producing a snowball effect.

Audiologist looking into a lady's ear

Common Techniques For Managing Tinnitus

Because it has no defined cause, there is no cure for tinnitus. However, doctors, scientists, and audiologists have developed a variety of methodologies and techniques to help patients with tinnitus management, including:

  • Maskers (decrease sound awareness)
  • Medication therapy (reduces stress and anxiety as well as aid sleep)
  • Levo Systems (zero out sound by matching the quality and volume of the sound)
  • Desync sound therapy (disrupts the neural signal from tinnitus)
  • The Listening Program® SLEEP (provides nature sounds and ambient music to retrain how the brain interprets sound)
  • The Sound Pillow® Sleep System (relaxes the body and slows down the brain to promote sustainable sleep)
  • Hearing aids (correct hearing loss while providing environmental sound masking)
  • Alternative therapies (neuraminic therapy, psychological counseling, biofeedback, and relaxation techniques deal with stress and anxiety)
  • Cognitive Habituation Tinnitus Therapy (CHaTT) (Dr. Natan Bauman’s individualized tinnitus retraining program, consisting of sound therapy combined with a personalized therapy program based on cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness)

The effectiveness of these various types of management techniques varies from one patient to the next and might include a combination of techniques guided by a professional.

There are many other tinnitus programs that promise to cure tinnitus. Most are not validated, and the effectiveness is not more than a placebo effect.

Audiologist looking into a hearing booth
Happy elderly couple sitting on a beach smiling

Tinnitus Management Leads To A Rewarding And Productive Lifestyle

A hearing assessment and tinnitus evaluation are critical first steps for establishing a plan to manage tinnitus. Our tinnitus management techniques are built on well-established research and experience that have produced measurable results.

With the ongoing support of our well-trained professionals, managing your tinnitus will lead to a more rewarding and productive lifestyle. If you or a loved one is struggling with tinnitus, then schedule an appointment with our tinnitus experts.

Schedule A Tinnitus Evaluation

The internet and the prevalence of hearing aid dispensers allow people to self-diagnose and self-treat with an over-the-counter hearing device. Doing this has the potential to cause severe damage to your hearing.

In order to choose a form of treatment that will solve your tinnitus challenges rather than exacerbate them, it is critical to schedule a tinnitus evaluation with a professional audiologist.

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